G80 TH Module

Great replacement board for the Cerb 40 II I’m currently using. Just wondering why the odd DIL 50 pins, but not 48 or 64? The chip has up to 100 pins?

We didn’t want to lose all the great available pins.

Are there any Eagle Files available for it as they were with the Cerb 40 II?

@ altbrot - The EAGLE files for the G80 TH are not available. You can see the schematic at https://www.ghielectronics.com/downloads/schematic/G80_TH_SCH.pdf

There are 2 crystals on your th board. q1a/b with 12 mhz - I guess its either a or b, depending on casing? - and q2. Whats the value of q2, its missing within your schematic pdf?
Regards, Florian

32768Hz is the standard used for most RTC. Watch to make sure that the caps match with the crystal otherwise you will get drift of the time.

Thanks! I should read those datasheets more carefully… :wink: