G80 TH Module Power Supply

Hi, to get started i need to supply power to contact VBAT or contact 3V3 ?


Welcome to the community.

I think that in the section describing the modules do not have enough small illustrations how to make a “fast start”. It is possible that this issue [url]https://www.ghielectronics.com/community/forum/topic?id=22349[/url] appeared because of the lack of material on the subject.

Thank you, apparently, I was not paying attention, but for me is strange to see such a nuance after view video of the “fast start” on the main page.

can you point to this fast start video you mention?

@ Brett - [url]https://www.ghielectronics.com/technologies/netmf[/url]
Video 1 - .NET Gadgeteer - YouTube
Video 2 - Gadgeteer vs Arduino vs Phidgets - YouTube

@ piix3ide - those are gadgeteer boards. Your board is a through hole TH module. entirely different.

Select the gadgeteer category on the catalog please.

If you want a pure NETMF device, I recommend any of the duino boards for low cost. Or the development boards for for fully featured.

No, I have got exactly what I need. 8)

Which is great…

Just so we are clear, since these are Gadgeteer videos and not related to the TH module you have, do you think those videos misled you in your choice of board, or in the necessary additional work that the TH module required to get you operating? If so, what would have made it clearer to you ?

@ Brett - These videos shows only that there is a positioning at the speed of development, on all questions you can find answers in my previous posts. I do not see the need to continue this discussion.

I just wanted to make sure if there was a better positioning we could make that we got your direct feedback.