G400 IFU Exception


i am currently testing out IFU on the G400 with NETMF4.3 (latest available) and i’m getting a native exception:

#### Exception System.ArgumentException - 0xfd000000 (11) ####
#### Message: 
#### GHI.Processor.InFieldUpdate::NativeLoad [IP: 0000] ####
#### GHI.Processor.InFieldUpdate::Load [IP: 0052] ####
#### TwoSpeak.IO.Storage::LoadFirmwareImage [IP: 002d] ####
#### TwoSpeak.USB.UsbMethods::<FirmwareUpdate>b__4 [IP: 001f] ####

I’m doing it exactly as described in the documentation:

  1. Calling IFU Init with Firmware-type
  2. Caling your example Load function to read image from SD (yes the image exists - my stream has 1.1Mb of size)
  3. Calling the Flash&Reset method (which actually never happens)

The first time is tries to call the IFU.Load(type, data, dataSize) the exception as shown above occurs.
All parameters are set-up correctly, the array is full of data + the size param is also correct.
I also have ensured that enough RAM is available; >50Mb that should be sufficient :thinking:.
And i also tried it out with debugger enabled/disabled - makes no difference.
Is it important that the IFU stuff is called out of a specific context (e.g: main-thread)?

EDIT: My image is created by MFDeploy, also as shown as in the documentation.


You mention you’ve called IFU init with the type firmware, but you said your image was created by MFDeploy? Are you trying to load the NETMF firmware we provide or your own application?

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That’s quite embarrassing…
I’m gonna try Application now :upside_down_face:
I think i got confused of the example, because it begins with how to create a app-deployment and after that it shows how a firmware gets uploaded - that’s why i mixed those terms up :zipper_mouth_face:

Thank you anyway!