G400 HDR with EthernetBuiltIn


I received my brand new G400HDR yesterday and I am about to play with it today.

A college of mine assembled an RJ45 connector and I wanted to use it for an Ethernet connection.

Since I have some trouble I want to ask: Is

 supported on the G400 D? Or do I have to use an ENC28 Module?

If not, I may stop trying.

Thanks for any hints

@ Peter B - GHI.Premium.Net.EthernetBuiltIn is the interface to be used to use the onboard Ethernet on the G400.

Hello Aron

Thanks a lot. I will try to figure out what went wrong with our connection with my college next week.

Thanks for your help

We got it working in principle. We swapped two wires.

But I am having some issues. While my code runs fine on my FEZ Cobra II and even on my G400HDR with the ENC28, it seems to work only every now and than with the G400 and EthernetBuiltIn.

The program hangs on NetworkInterfaceExtension.Open() and NetworkInterfaceExtension.Close() for some seconds. Furthermore I do only sporadically get an IP-Address assigned (NetworkInterfaceExtension.NetwirkAddressChanged).

I could not yet figure out when it works and when not.

Have you seen that kind of behavior?

@ Peter B - When you swapped the wires, are they securely attached?

Yes, I would say they are. We use 10cm of drilled wires that are soldered to the RJ45 connector. On the other side we plugged them into socket board. That also seems fixed.

The strange thing is: If it works once, it seems to be stable. I.e. once NetworkInterfaceExtension.NetwirkAddressChanged got fired I can use it as expected. The problem is, that it usually doesn’t get fired.

It also hangs at NetworkInterfaceExtension.Open() and NetworkInterfaceExtension.Close() no matter whether the RJ45 socket is connected or not.

Any ideas?

@ Peter B - Do you have an Ethernet J11D module to test with?

@ James: No I use an adapter from Würth:


That should be approximately the same - that’s what my hardware guy keeps telling me :slight_smile:

But anyway we are going to order an J11D.

Do you have a small example that should definitely work?

@ Peter B - The example here should work to setup the network, then just try a simple socket access to google or something else: https://www.ghielectronics.com/docs/69/ethernet-j11d-module

And when you swapped the wires, what wires specifically were swapped?

Hello James,

I use something in the lines of

ethernet = new EthernetBuiltIn();

ethernet.NetworkAddressChanged += EthOnNetworkAddressChanged;

if (!ethernet.NetworkInterface.IsDhcpEnabled)
     Debug.Print("enabling DHCP.");
Debug.Print("closing ethernet");
ethernet.Close(); // close and open to force DHCP refresh in debug

Debug.Print("opening ethernet");

This hangs at ethernet.Close() and ethernet.Open(). I also do not get an NetworkAddressChanged event.

I am not in the office today, but I will try your code on Monday. Maybe I got the j11d by then. I also ordered a new G400. I didn’t try it on that board yet.

@ Peter B - Does your code make a call to

@ James

Yes I do. Sorry that I forgot that line.

This is the complete class that I use for initializing ethernet.

It works fine with the FEZ Cobra II. The G400 with Enc28 works, but is somewhat unstable.

using System;
using evopro.mfcommons.interfaces;
using GHI.Hardware.G120;
using GHI.Premium.Net;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;

namespace evopro.mfcommons.network.ghi
    public class Network : INetwork
        public enum NetworkType

        private readonly NetworkType networkType;
        private NetworkInterfaceExtension ethernet;

        public Network(NetworkType networkType)
            this.networkType = networkType;

        public bool IsConnected
            get { return ethernet.NetworkInterface.IPAddress != ""; }

        public event NetworkConnectionChangedDelegate ConnectionChanged;

        public void Init()
            ethernet = CreateEthernet();

            ethernet.NetworkAddressChanged += Eth1OnNetworkAddressChanged;

            if (!ethernet.NetworkInterface.IsDhcpEnabled)
                Debug.Print("enabling DHCP.");
            Debug.Print("closing ethernet");
            ethernet.Close(); // close and open to force DHCP refresh in debug

            Debug.Print("opening ethernet");

            Debug.Print("assigning ethernet to network stack");

        protected virtual void OnConnectionChanged(NetworkConnectionChangedDelegateArgs args)
            var handler = ConnectionChanged;
            if (handler != null) handler(this, args);

        private NetworkInterfaceExtension CreateEthernet()
            switch (networkType)
                case NetworkType.FezCobraNet:
                    return new EthernetENC28J60(SPI.SPI_module.SPI2, Pin.P1_10, Pin.P2_11, Pin.P1_9);
                case NetworkType.FezCobraWithEnc28:
                    return new EthernetENC28J60(SPI.SPI_module.SPI2, Pin.P1_17, Pin.P2_21, Pin.P1_14);
                case NetworkType.G400:
                    return new EthernetBuiltIn();
                case NetworkType.G400WithEnc28:
                    var ethernetEnc28J60 = new EthernetENC28J60(SPI.SPI_module.SPI2, GHI.Hardware.G400.Pin.PC22,
                        GHI.Hardware.G400.Pin.PC31, GHI.Hardware.G400.Pin.PA5, 1000);
                    ethernetEnc28J60.CableConnectivityChanged += EthernetEnc28J60OnCableConnectivityChanged;
                    return ethernetEnc28J60;
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

        private void EthernetEnc28J60OnCableConnectivityChanged(object sender,
            EthernetENC28J60.CableConnectivityEventArgs args)
            Debug.Print("Cable " + (args.IsConnected ? "connected." : "disconnected."));

        private void Eth1OnNetworkAddressChanged(object sender, EventArgs args)
            Debug.Print("IP:      " + ethernet.NetworkInterface.IPAddress);
            Debug.Print("Subnet:  " + ethernet.NetworkInterface.SubnetMask);
            Debug.Print("Gateway: " + ethernet.NetworkInterface.GatewayAddress);
            for (var i = 0; i < ethernet.NetworkInterface.DnsAddresses.Length; i++)
                Debug.Print("DNS " + i + ": " + ethernet.NetworkInterface.DnsAddresses[i]);

            OnConnectionChanged(new NetworkConnectionChangedDelegateArgs(IsConnected,

@ James:

I received the J11D and continued my investigations today. I condensed my test code to:

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
using GHI.Premium.Net;
using Microsoft.SPOT;

namespace EthernetG400
    public class Program
        private static EthernetBuiltIn ethernet;

        public static void Main()
            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                Debug.Print("Waiting " + i);

            ethernet = new EthernetBuiltIn();

            ethernet.NetworkAddressChanged += EthOnNetworkAddressChanged;

            if (!ethernet.NetworkInterface.IsDhcpEnabled)
                Debug.Print("enabling DHCP.");

            Debug.Print("closing ethernet");
            ethernet.Close(); // close and open to force DHCP refresh in debug

            Debug.Print("opening ethernet");

            Debug.Print("assigning ethernet to network stack");

            Debug.Print("network initialized");


        private static void EthOnNetworkAddressChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Debug.Print("Mac:     " + FormatMacAddress(ethernet.NetworkInterface.PhysicalAddress));
            Debug.Print("IP:      " + ethernet.NetworkInterface.IPAddress);
            Debug.Print("Subnet:  " + ethernet.NetworkInterface.SubnetMask);
            Debug.Print("Gateway: " + ethernet.NetworkInterface.GatewayAddress);
            for (var i = 0; i < ethernet.NetworkInterface.DnsAddresses.Length; i++)
                Debug.Print("DNS " + i + ": " + ethernet.NetworkInterface.DnsAddresses[i]);

            if (ethernet.NetworkInterface.IPAddress != "")

                    var address = "www.ghielectronics.com";
                    var ghiIp = Dns.GetHostEntry(address);

                    if (ghiIp != null)
                        Debug.Print("Testing access to Internet and DNS:");
                        Debug.Print(address + ": " + ghiIp.AddressList[0]);
                        Debug.Print("Could not resolve " + address);
                catch (SocketException ex)
                    Debug.Print("Failed to Get the host entry of the FQN from DNS server!");

        private static string FormatMacAddress(byte[] mac)
            if (mac.Length == 0) return string.Empty;

            var macString = mac[0].ToString("X2");

            for (var i = 1; i < mac.Length; i++)
                macString += ":" + mac[i].ToString("X2");

            return macString;

The code works with both the J11D and our WE socket, but only if the Visual Studio Debugger is not attached. If I start the G400 and connect with FEZ Config I see:

Connecting to G400_Gadgeteer  connected. Waiting 6
 Waiting 7
 Waiting 8
 Waiting 9
 Waiting 10
 Waiting 11
 Waiting 12
 Waiting 13
 Waiting 14
 Waiting 15
 Waiting 16
 Waiting 17
 Waiting 18
 Waiting 19
 closing ethernet
 opening ethernet
 Warn ing: Ethernet PHY Link auton egotiation failu re.
Warning: Ethernet PHY Link autonegotiation failure.
Link detected 0x0
 assigning ethernet to network stack
 Mac:     EE:27:44:09:78:84
 DNS 0:
 DNS 1:
 Testing access to Internet and DNS:

If I just press F5 in Visual Studio the code hangs at

closing ethernet

I have to reset the hardware to be able to communicate again. Can you (or anyone else) reproduce the behavior?

Of course it would be great to use the G400 with both debugger and ethernet at the same time :slight_smile:

BTW: If you think the code should work, you might want to post it in the G400 Document. Maybe that saves someone some time.

@ Peter B -

Not sure why you need it :think:

Move the Open() to right after you create “ethernet”

Remove the Close()

Let us know how that works.

@ Dat:

If I don’t call Close() I do not reliably get an IP address.

But I found today, that I can call

 to get one.

@ Jeff:

I already tried that many times, but I have to admit: Today it works!

I have the feeling, that if I once got the G400 to hang at ethernet.Open() or ethernet.Close() it doesn't recover easily. 

But it seems that it works now. Sorry to bother you and thanks for the help.


I did more testing and it seems that

 does not work reliably - at least not with debugger attached.

Sometimes it works as expected: 
I get an IP address and when I disconnect and reconnect the cable, I get the address again (ethernet.NetworkAddressChanged is raised).

Sometimes it does not work:
I do not get an IP address and when I disconnect and reconnect the cable, ethernet.NetworkAddressChanged is not raised.

Is there anything I still do wrong? Can anyone reproduce that?

An example project that should definitely work with G400 and EthernetBuiltin would be great.

Not directly related, but… I was experiencing a very unstable behaviour, too, until I droped using global variables pointing to the ethernet interface (“ethernet” in your case). Now every time I want to do something with ethernet settings, I always get a fresh instance:

Things got a lot more stable for me.


I did some further investigations on Peter’s issue.

I was able to reproduce the case in which the DHCP request was not completed successfully and recorded it with wireshark. (failed example.png)

The complete record is from message 99 (Discover) to 106 (2nd Ack). After that time, no more request happens.

The hardware address of the board is “3e:a0:c4:e2:b1:40” the DHCP server is “Microsoft_0c:64:00”.

As far as I know, the DHCP request should always be:
Discover -> Offer -> Request -> Ack

In the example in which the request was not successful the timing seems to be corrupted:
Discover -> Offer -> Request -> Discover -> Ack -> Offer -> Request -> Ack

I’ve also added a trace in which the request was successful. (working example.png)
Even though the request was successful the the Request -> Ack appears 3 times.

Do you have any ideas why the Discover (No 102) was sent immediately after the Request?

With best regards,