@ KiwiSaner -
I received my second G400 yesterday and I have the same issues with it (The problem is not related to downloading firmware). I do not want to change anything on it related to firmware until I solve my main issue.
I am NOT knocking the G400.
My problem must be related to some change in my PC software or there is a old Witch flying over my home every time I connect my G400…
My original G400HDR and G400-D worked well using a T35 and a CP7 display. In fact I posted some small bits of code on codeshare.
I had made a new application using the CP7 and it was running as intended. I shut down for the night and the next morning I plugged in the USB and my Windows 7 64 bit crashed with the BSD. (I was using WinUSB and had changed the USB driver back to the GHI USB drivers.)
I could not recover the PC so I had to use a saved iso image to recover. The iso was only a few days old so things should have been about the same. But its NOT!
I had a bunch of screen captures of my original G400 settings as output from MFDeploy and FEZ Config . I lost all of those due to the iso recovery so now I have no comparisons between my old and new G400.
My main issue now is that I cannot configure the G400 to use my LCD’s. It is factory set to use the T43 module and with a T35 attached it looks like… Can I say terrible… or worse…
With both old and new G400’s I cannot add any hardware module. This is while using taylorza Gadgeteer G400HDR code or a plain old Console application.
When trying to use even a common button or any hardware (other than the USB Client DP) I always receive some type of exception.
I can however display bitmap resources and bitmaps/bitmap text created within the application images. The look terrible because of the incorrect display but they are there.
One thing I find very strange is when I received my first G400, I could use the GHI FEZ Config tools LCD Configuration button and ‘Load’ the LCD configuration. It returned some settings which I changed to T35 settings, clicked the Apply button and my T35 was up and running…
Using FEZ Config now on either my old or new G400 causes the FEZ Config to return a dialog pop-up “Can not access the device. Error code: 0x0001”.
I’m at a loss to understand why I receive exceptions adding ‘any’ hardware module.
I have the same problem using 2010 Express or Express 2012 Windows for Desktop.
After the iso recovery (and finding that there was a problem) I uninstalled ALL software related to gadgeteer and also uninstalled my 2010 and 2012 software. I erased all files I had
and then downloaded fresh software needed for Gadgeteer and my Express 2010 and 2012.
Everything was ‘New’ but the problem remained the same?
I can use all of my other main boards without problems.