G120HDR Setup

Hi everyone.

Were starting a new project based on the G120 and are just getting the environment setup for the debugging and deployment. We wanted to start from scratch instead of using any of the gadgetteer profiles. So we created a new micro framework, C# console application and loaded the reference assemblies needed. Deployed and got going fine. But there is this one weird thing i can’t figure out. When your doing the whole gadgetteer environment thing and you hit the play/debug button. The beast deploys and then go’s into debugging so it’s running the most recent version. Now though, it jumps straight into debugging and skips the deployment when i hit it. It’s very confusing cause it doesn’t include the recent changes. I should also add that it is VS2013 community.

Thanks in advance.

You actually shouldn’t use gadgeteer with it. Three best place to start is the beginner’s NETMF book. Please find the book and all start up steps on the netmf support page.

Let us know if you still assistance after checking the book.

Welcome to the community.

That’s what i said. When we started from scratch in VS2013 and excluded the gadgetteer stuff it behaves in a strange way. It builds and then launches the debugger without deploying the file. Any ideas.

What do you mean by excluded gadgeteer? Did you start a console project like the book explains? And then you change the target to usb with the same basic application?

All this is a step by step in the book.

Ok, Sorry about that. I found it. If this happens to anyone else when starting a project without a template. You need to go into “configuration manager” and select the “deploy” checkbox. otherwise it builds and debugs without the deployment step and makes things very confusing.
