I have a test setup where i have a G120HDR communication with a EMX board over CAN. Everythings work smooth at 125 / 250 / 500 kb but at 1000 kb it starts spawning buss off errors on both devices.
Bitrate settings at the G120:
125: BRP = 20 T1 = 15 T2 = 8 -> ok on the CAN analyzer
250: BRP = 10 T1 = 15 T2 = 8 -> ok on the CAN analyzer
500: BRP = 5 T1 = 15 T2 = 8 -> ok on the CAN analyzer
1000: BRP = 2 T1 = 15 T2 = 8 -> Error on the CAN analyzer
On the EMX :
125: BRP = 24 T1 = 15 T2 = 8 -> ok on the CAN analyzer
250: BRP = 12 T1 = 15 T2 = 8 -> ok on the CAN analyzer
500: BRP = 6 T1 = 15 T2 = 8 -> ok on the CAN analyzer
1000: BRP = 3 T1 = 15 T2 = 8 -> ok on the CAN analyzer
Anyone is actually using the G120 CAN communication at 1000 Kb? and what bitrate settings?