G120 Pulse counting using timerX pin capture feature

Hi All,

I’ve successfully used in the past a FEZ Cobra (EMX module) and the code at page 91 (Section 33 - Managed Drivers, 33.1 Pulse Counter) using PCONP, PINSEL0,T2TCR,T2PR,T2CTCR,T2CCR,T2MCR and T2TC registers for fast pulse counting on an external EMX pin.

Is there any way to do this again with a COBRA2 board (G120 module) ? Would someone have a simple example like the one in the old GHI book?

Cheers for all the great work on the G120 guys,


I just posted a code share for you
take look @

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Thanks Mike

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Thanks Mike Cormier!

I just love the support at GHI :slight_smile:

Cheers guys,