G120 HDR mistake

I’m facing a problem with ENC28 on a custom board with a G120 Rev C soldered on => Everything in the code is fine until I test Eth1.IsCableconnected which always return false, and no led blinking is available on my connector leds…

For the design, I’ve been using the G120HDR documentation that shows how to connect the ENC28 to the SPI2 socket, and verified it was also my case…

But then, looking at the G120HDR Rev2 schematic, I see that the SPI socket that can be used with the ENC28 module is now connected thru SPI1…

As the issue I have on my board, is that everything seems to be OK, until I test the Eth1.IsCableConnected, I was hoping if someone could feedback if the fact that SPI changed could have issues at the firmware level and explain my problem, or even confirm me that if my code is ok until this line, the problem is not in the SPI and ENC28 part of the design, but after that…(I think that if a problem occurred with the ENC28, it should have crashed when Eth1.Open is invoked, not ?)…

Thanks for you reply…

Everything else work?

Do you have G120HDR to try it?

Hi Gus,

yeah, I m ok with Usb,Sdcard,I2C…

I effectively have a G120hdr, but rev 1 with the 2 user sockets…

on this hdr, i have the enc28 module connected as it is on my custom Board, and no problem occurs…

any suggestion ?

would yu have a couple of time to check if I join a pièce of shcematic tomorrow?

@ Gus,

Problem found this morning. It was a mistake from mine !

The ENC28 Quartz pins were wrongly soldered… Now all seems fine on it !

Thanks for your help !