G120 DHCP and 4.2


It seems that a DHCP problem encountered on an EMX card is exactly the same on G120HDR module.

With a CISCO 857 router as DHCP server we always got the same sequence on DHCP request. DHCP DISCOVER and DHCP DECLINE as stated in this post


Every other client is working properly ( iPhone , notebooks, servers )

We are using version ,older versions give the same behavior.

We have noticed that Microsoft is responsible of the DHCP client code, but this is a bit annoying as DHCP address distribution is usually not a problem and not negotiable in customers plants.

Any idea how to fix that ?

We can send yo WireShark log or an old CISCO 857 if you want to investigate the problem.


@ Loic - Does your boards have unique MAC addresses?

Unique and valid:

Thanks for your reply,

I was aware that the MAC address must specified with minimum rules but, after picking up an address from an old disposed Equipment i thought that it will be harmless to do so, but it will be worthwhile to investigate.

I will make a try with the BIA generated address and let you know the results.

After the generation, the MAC address is actually stored in board flash memory for lifetime to enable allocation of fixed IP address by an administrator.
