Form moderation

If I have complaint about some form posts, who do you contact to resolve an issue or flag posts for review?

And what posts are you talking about?

Just a hunch:

Ah, ok, just get over it and move on…

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Handbags at 5 paces…


From what I can see, you have been neither wronged, nor bullied. Whether intentionally or incidentally, you posted someone else’s code on your site without acknowledgement. At the most, some community members have been somewhat direct in their comments on the matter.

I know many of the folks on this thread from many months of experience in reading their posts. None of them can fairly be called bullies, and all of them have a long history of being extremely helpful to both new and old members of the TinyCLR community, myself included.

So please stop for a moment and look at the situation from someone else’s perspective. Then consider whether accusing others of being bullies for calling attention to your actions is appropriate, and more importantly, whether or not it serves any useful purpose.

This community is extremely welcoming and friendly, and I’m quite certain that if you chose to participate in the community, you would also be welcomed. But accusing these fine folks unfairly of something they didn’t do is out of line, in my opinion.

So, perhaps time to just move on?

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You can contact me at gusi@ ghi domain or use the email at GHI contact us page.

The way I see it personally is that I did my part when changing the subject to something else, more educational. Lets us move on and enjoy NETMF all of us. And continue to share code whenever we can. Open-source is helping us all around here and around the web. But, we also need to remember that when we use someone’s code, we should just give credit. After all, that is all author want, his name to be there.

Maybe I misunderstood the situation, or the author misunderstood something. Or even you have some misunderstanding. So, please feel free to email or you can even call GHI directly. our phone number is on the contact us page.