Finally, a powerful board that I like

It’s not that bad … just not FEZ.

That’s why I was drawn to NETMF in the first place. Microsoft & GHI have done the work that his library does — and a WHOLE lot more obviously.

But I don’t that it was that bad.

I wonder how it is to program that Beagle in C. Is it like RLP? Or are there libraries to ease the access to the pins.

It’s a nice board, but I see is going to be “yet another” raspberry pi … same programming stuff.

It does however have many more available I/Os, which IMHO makes this a much more interesting board.

Oh yess that’s for sure.
The TI AM3358 is same NDA as Broadcom ARM chip or it’s better documented ?

The Cortex-A8 documentation is available from the ARM site and the TI site has documentation for the AM335x

I have not gone and read everything, but from a cursory scan the documentation seems to be quite extensive.