FillEllipse bug or misused?

TinyClr version

var brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Yellow);
screen.FillEllipse(brush, x, y, 10, 10);

I have got:

#### Exception System.ArgumentException - 0x00000000 (1) ####
    #### Message: Line thicknesses other than 1 are not supported at this time.
    #### GHIElectronics.TinyCLR.Drawing.ManagedGraphics::DrawEllipse [IP: 000a] ####
    #### System.Drawing.Graphics::FillEllipse [IP: 005e] ####
    #### FEZTftShieldDisplay.Program::Main [IP: 01e4] ####

Is it a bug or it is me that I Don’t understand how to use FillEllipse ? I can’t see a Thickness param is Brush constructor.

What board/display are you using?

Board: netduino3 (FEZ doesn’t have sufficient RAM).
Display:adafruit tft 1.8 display shield rev B.

Functions like DrawEllipse and DrawRectangle are working well, but not FillEllipse and not Fill Rectangle.

What you are seeing is currently expected. The graphics support on small devices doesn’t implement the fill functions and it is also limited when it comes to fonts.

It is to be revisited in the future but for now it offers plenty for smaller displays.

Ok. So it is not a bug.
I will look to other functions to play, and, I will finish this new driver module:: buttons should be easy, but SD card can be more tricky :grinning: (if it can be done !)

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SD card is finally not done, but display and buttons are ready !