I can’t find much info about it so I’ll ask some questions :
Who is developing it, the FEZ team or the community ?
How much of it is done ? Do you have a ETA ?
What are the bits that won’t be included ? I read somewhere that USBHost won’t be included, what else ? What about the classes from the namespace GHIElectronics.NETMF.Hardware ?
FEZ team for the next few weeks then comunity will start adding in
See the book. The book matches where the firmware is at. I am basically writing the book while porting NETMF so I am not missing anything
ETA was 2 weeks but with maker faire this will take longer
[quote]3. What are the bits that won’t be included ? I read somewhere that USBHost won’t be included, what else ? What about the classes from the namespace GHIElectronics.NETMF.Hardware ?
[/quote]It will include everything, eventually. With community work, it may have more features that the GHI commercial USBizi firmware :o