[FEZ Touch] FEZ Touch in landscape

How modify the drivers to use the FEZ Touch in landscape (320x240) ? ::slight_smile:

It is possible but we never looked into it. I know many community members are not making all kind of drivers for this display.

The controller doc is here http://www.ghielectronics.com/downloads/FEZ/Component/ILI9325.pdf

The register you’re looking for is 0x03; it allows you to rotate the display in all 4 directions Up/Left/Down/Right.

The display also supports resizing, gamma control (which can be seen in LCDInit), scrolling, and some other neat features.

:slight_smile: Thanks Skewworks to give me one way to find it

1 point for you :wink:

But I can’t find where make the modification :-[

I change:

WriteRegister(0x0003, 0x0030); // set GRAM write direction and BGR=0.


WriteRegister(0x0003, 0x0000); // set GRAM write direction and BGR=0.


        public const int ScreenWidth = 240;
        public const int ScreenHeight = 320;


        public const int ScreenWidth = 320;
        public const int ScreenHeight = 240;

But the result is not good ???

Maybe somebody have done this modification to run in landscape ? :slight_smile:

I will be making this mod for Skewworks’ commercial app Spiral…I’ll post the landscape code when I can; busy weekend so maybe tomorrow night or Monday.

Cool :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi Skewworks.

Have you some troubles to find a solution to make one driver for lanscape use ? ???

Maybe we have one member King of Drivers in the community who i can make one driver :wink:

When I see the number of member who read this post, I think that this option can have one interest for many people :stuck_out_tongue:

Flid sorry I’ve just been busy. I will get things up as soon as possible. We’re testing things out and trying to get the full release of Spiral out asap.

@ Flid

Landscape mode has been added and will be available for download by the end of the night. Here’s how we did it.

First off you must REINITIALIZE the LCD when switching modes.


WriteRegister(0x03, 0x30); // set GRAM write direction and BGR=1.


WriteRegister(0x03, 0x28); // set GRAM write direction and BGR=1.

You’ll also need to make some changes when setting the location. Here’s what we did in the SetDrawingWindow method:

            if (_landscape)
                Swap(ref X, ref  Y);
                Swap(ref Width, ref Height);
                X = _ScreenHeight - X - Width;

Update: Now online.

:dance: Many thanks Skewworks +1 for you :wink:

I will test this monday :slight_smile:

You said : Now Online , but where ? :-[

I can’t find it in TINYCLR Code Page… or in your website… :think:

It’s part of Spiral, which is commercial so you’ll find it under products>Spiral. :slight_smile:

Of course :wink: :-[

@ Skewworks - Hello! I am starting with fez panda ii and fez touch and I have a question. I have configured my home page but now I prefer to see it on landscape mode. I´m triying to do these changes but It seems that it doesn´t works. Do I have to do more changes?
Thanks in advance!

@ Elsa - Are you talking about Spiral? Pretty old, I still have the source code sitting around though if you need help w something.

@ Skewworks - actually, what I want is to configure my application to view it in landscape mode and I think that I have it configured in a similar way of spiral, so I thought that doing changes that you comment I should be able to see it on landscape but I can´t see anything :frowning: