FEZ Touch example problem

Hello out there,

Today my FEZ Ultimate kit arrived. And I started with the Fez touch.
The example comes with this error:

Error 3 The name ‘FEZ_Pin’ does not exist in the current context E:\FEZ Touch\FEZ Touch Example\FEZ Touch Example\Program.cs 21 17 FEZ Touch Example

Who can help me?

Thanks in advance,


Jos, Make sure that you have the latest firmware on your FEZ Panda II.

sounds like you are missing a using statement and/or a reference.

Did you create your project with one of the GHI project templates?

Show us you code…

Hi Joe,

This is what is currently in there

ClrInfo.clrVersion: 4.1.2821.0
ClrInfo.clrVendorInfo: Microsoft Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rig
ClrInfo.targetFrameworkVersion: 4.1.2821.0
SolutionReleaseInfo.solutionVendorInfo: GHI Electronics, LLC
SoftwareVersion.BuildDate: Apr 11 2011
SoftwareVersion.CompilerVersion: 410561

Hai Mike,

The code is the solution and all other code from the FEZ Touch example.
I made no alterations.



Latest firmware is Looks like you’re using Upgrading will probably fix your problem. Hit “reply” and see #1.

Hi Guys,

I updated my firmware to still have the same problem however.
And my problem occurs already in the editor before I come to the hardware.
so even building is impossible

Thanks for your responses so far,



You must also update the references in your projects to match the new firmware. The most straightforward way to do initial testing is to use on of the built in product templates.

Hi Guys,

I re installed the SDK now it works.

Thank you for your contributions.

