FEZ Spider won't connect

Sorry, only got a chance to do upload the video now.
I failed and forgot to put my phone on 720p mode, but oh well you should get the idea.

BTW: If you cannot tell at the start, it is in loader mode :slight_smile:

[url]- YouTube

Did you change the switched before you power up FEZ Spider?

What country are you in?

Yep definitely. I put it in loader mode, then plugged in the USB DP module, then the USB cable.


Just wanted to say I appreciate all the help you have given me so far, as I am sure you can tell at this point I am lost :stuck_out_tongue:

The only thing left is to try a different PC or send us your kit so we can test fro you. But I am 99.9% sure your kit is fine.

I have the same problem. Could you solve yours?

Eisi2003 - start a new forum thread with specifics please.