I’m having a bit of trouble with my new Fez Rhino. For some reason, when I plug the device into one of my USB ports (not into a hub) windows determines that the best driver for the device is actually “unknown” even though i have installed the x64 drivers.
Whats really rattling my cage is that I have been able to get the device to be recognized within device manager and visual studio a couple of times…however, its currently reverted to an ambiguous state according to windows.
I believe i may have pressed a sequence of buttons on the rhino to step it out of BL mode. However, i’m unsure. I have done countless repairs and installs of the drivers now…i’m getting pretty tired of it.
OK, I managed to disconnect everything, reboot the PC and hold down the LDR button as i plugged it in to Port 6 Hub 1 (according to Device Manger) on the back of my PC. I still get the “Unrecognized USB device” message appear.
Brilliant, thanks Gus! I am now able to ping it in MFDeploy. However, how do i get Windows to recognize this device every time i connect it to my tower? For example, if i hit reset it no longer reorganizes the device.