It’s been a few years since I have worked with this stuff, and now want to get back into it. I am wondering, is the older hardware compatible with the newer dev environment? I’m running win10, and when I plugged my Panda II into the usb port, it automatically installed usbizi drivers. I followed the instructions for setting up TinyCLR in visual studio 2017, and can create new TinyCLR c# projects, but my device is not detected. If there are more steps I need to go through, could someone please point me in the right direction (documentation or needed software/sdk)? If device is no longer supported, I’ll just use my old machine which has VS2010 and the older dev tools (and 4.1 sdk). Thanks!
Have you updated the panda with the new Firmware?
No, I did not (yet). I have downloaded the new firmware. I will need to go back and re-read the old documentation on how to do that. IIRC, I’ll need to put the board into a special mode (been a few years).
I have no problem spending $10 on a new FEZ board, I just didn’t want to throw out the old boards without doing something with them.
Thanks for the reply!
While we have some source code available for the USBizi (which is what the Panda II is based on), we are not doing official builds for it, nor is the code something we officially support. You can always take a look and build it yourself, though, if you want to try to get some more time out of the old boards. talks about building the firmware and the device definition can be found at TinyCLR-Ports/Devices/USBizi at dev · ghi-electronics/TinyCLR-Ports · GitHub