Hi all. I’m aware the panda ii can do USB host via the on board port with modifications, but don’t want to make those sacrifices.
I’ve seen plenty of USB host shields for arduinos, so I’m wondering, can i use this with c# on the panda II… Obviously it will physically fit, but how do I use it code-wise?
For reference, I’m wanting to interface a keyboard via USB for an event-driven interface.
So the answer is that pretty much anything you can do with Arduino you can do with netmf. Electrically, most shields will work, perhaps require re-routing some pins or you might have to worry about level shifting.
But that doesn’t really do the same as the mod. The inbuilt peripheral for USB host in the processor in Panda is programmed and will work with the inbuilt USB host functions in C#. So you do the mod, then you’re able to use it. What you end up with when using a shield is something you have to write a driver for, essentially duplicating functionality already in the firmware. So there is a lot of benefit in just doing the mod