FEZ Panda II new user problem

Can you format the SD Card again and remember to select FAT32 on the “File System” drop down

Hi Rajesh
I re formatted the microSD card to FAT32 and transferred some files to a directory I created on my PC to the card. Safely removed it and inserted in PANDA II board.

I also used another program I found in the CODE section which does more elaborate exception handling.
Got the similar problem again.

The thread ‘’ (0x2) has exited with code 0 (0x0).
#### Exception System.Exception - 0x00000000 (1) ####
#### Message: FS Not Formatted
#### SDTestC.Program::Main [IP: 0029] ####
A first chance exception of type ‘System.Exception’ occurred in SDTestC.exe
An unhandled exception of type ‘System.Exception’ occurred in SDTestC.exe

Debug info for the local e.Volume:

  •   Volume	{Microsoft.SPOT.IO.VolumeInfo}	Microsoft.SPOT.IO.VolumeInfo
      DeviceFlags	0	uint
      FileSystem	null	string
      FileSystemFlags	0	uint {int}
      IsFormatted	0	bool {int}
      Name	"SD"	string
      RootDirectory	"\\SD"	string
      SerialNumber	0	uint
      TotalFreeSpace	0	long
      TotalSize	0	long
      VolumeID	0	uint
      VolumeLabel	""	string
      VolumePtr	1073777148	uint {int}

Then I ran the USBizi Update program again from the Programs Menu for the USBizi hardware.

Ran the Firmware upgrade program again after doing the upgrade. I did a request for Device Menu item Get Firmware Version and this is the log:
– Log –
Firmware Version:
Connecting… TinyCLR
Firmware Version:

The vs 2010 Properties for FEZPanda_II_GHIElectronics.NETMF.FEZ Reference
indicates Runtime version v4.0.30319

Hope this helps.

Hi Jasper

You seem to be doing everything correct.

There have been users with issues in the past with decoupling and power glitch problems when using the SD card.

I assume you are powering using USB ? Can you power the Panda using a good external source.

Just a try.

Hi Rajesh,
OK I have used a seperate 9V battery supply (with the USB cable still in connector as I need to see the debug messages obviously!) but exactly the same problem.
I suspect there is a hardware issue here.
Would there be any guarantee exchange possible on this board in case it is a hardware issue
or how do I get this feature operational with present hardware?

I bought this PANDA 2 board in Germany while on a visit on recommendations of my friend (supplier was Watterott) Now I am back at home in South Africa where the supplier of FEZ is NETRAM (www.netram.co.za)

Any suggestions would be welcome as I have ordered and awaits an FEZ Connect shield to complete my project which will need the SD card functioning.

Thanks again for the help.
Gus has asked that I post this in a new thread but I am not knowledgeable to do the transport from this thread to a new thread of my post. Can somebody please help

Can you use the following to format the SD on the device itself ?

VolumeInfo.Format (0) ;

The namespace is Microsoft.SPOT.IO

…another question - did you quick format the SD, if yes then try to uncheck that.

Hi Rajesh,
I have exactly the same way of thinking and did it before you advised me to try formatting the SD card on the Panda2 !!
I tried that BUT still got exception indicated.
Yesterday I used a professional power supply with set voltage for 8.99 Volt with current limiting at 750 mA.
Voltages with SD card inserted and solution only with LED on/off running measured as :
3.3V and 4.69V (for 5V) at current of 60 mA.
Meter used Fluke 77.

I tried variations of program execution with delays of 1000 mSec between each of the major actions, all without any positive recognition of the formatted SD card.
I checked the SD card in different PCs with various devices like SD reader with adapter from microSD to SD , and a dedicated microSD reader all via USB port on different PCS. All of these options immediately recognized the formatted with content SDcard.

Even this did not make any difference in the behaviour and resultant messages.

I do not want to make a modification to add capacitors to the board (as reported by Nicholas3 in the forums) as this would not allow an exchange or replacement board. His mods would take care of the resetting with SD card insertion/releasing as I also experience on my board.
The SD Card I use is the 2Gb MicroSD by Sandisk
I also tried as said before a 4Gb also by Sandisk.

I guess I have a faulty board??

What to do next? please anybody suggests / help.
I need to get an logging system in the field and this way it is not possible.