FEZ Panda II new user problem

I just received my FEZ Ultimate Kit, on Friday, installed the software, updated the FEZ to the latest firmware, which resulted in creating COM9 in the Device Manager. The problem is when I tried a Debug of a program, I get an error which reads:

An unhandled exception of type ’ System.InvalidOperationException ’ occured in FEZPanda_II_GHIElectronics.NETMF.FEZ.dll
Additional information: FEZ Panda II not detected!

In the following program I added the ‘Add Reference’ :
-FEZPanda_GHIElec …

So as a beginner I do not know why the program is not working. Any help is appreciated.


using System;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;

using GHIElectronics.NETMF.FEZ;

namespace Test1
public class Program
public static void Main()





See this http://tinyclr.com/forum/1/4540/#/1/msg42845

be sure sdk and firmware are same version!

I think he is trying to run on emulator :slight_smile: he needs to select tbd correct device.

I downloaded and installed what is on the GHI site. I purchased this kit from GHI, if that makes a difference. The latest firmware update was, and the sdk is was 4.0. Since I had a successful firmware update, I am assuming that the board itself is healthy. I also did three installations before I got it to install the COMx correctly, I guess I am still missing something, but what?

I am using VS C# express 2010, just updated, I did not see any port settings in VS, so it may not be looking for the device on COM9. I tried to run the emulator, with no success. I am determined to get this thing working …

Oh, the system, Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit with 8 gig of ram, so I have plenty of resources.

Open project properties.
Select the very bottom tab ".NET Micro Framework"
Transport = Emulator.

For device:
Transport = USB
Make sure your device is plugged in :wink:

what about your Windows 7 region area and language option?! i use Turkish windwos 7 and i choose English. because in Turkish i got error. so try English language.

OK, I GOT IT TO WORK, THANKS. I have a flashing LED on board. I used the “.NET & Internet of Things”, as a source, it is not very beginner friendly. There is quite a lot of stuff you have to remember to add or check off to just to get a simple program to run; not sure if this is good or bad.

I have been programming the Parallax Propeller for quite some time now, and I got used to the good hand holding that you get on there forum, which made things quite painless.

Since I have all those eblocks, is there source code for testing all of them out? I noticed that in the “.NET …” source, it only covers the LED eblock?

Propeller? Search the forum, wiki and YouTube for fez gameo.

About eblocks, I thought they are all used on the book with example code.

So, here is what I have so far, two eblocks, doing a, what seems to be a random on/off. If I wanted to add the third LED, where would that go? The other connectors seem to be for pwm, rx/tx, and sda/scl.

Thinking about the Rx and Tx connectors, how would that work, and with what? I was thinking that for an experiment I could hook up to my Propeller, but I am not sure how that would done, since I would have three wires coming from the Propeller, gnd,Rx,and Tx?

using System;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;

using GHIElectronics.NETMF.FEZ;

namespace Test2
public class Program
static OutputPort MyLEDr = new OutputPort((Cpu.Pin)FEZ_Pin.Digital.An2, true);
static OutputPort MyLEDg = new OutputPort((Cpu.Pin)FEZ_Pin.Digital.An3, true);

    public static void Main()
        while (true)






You can use Di0 or Di1 or Di2 or Di3 or Di5 or Di8 to connect a LED eblock.

These pins have multiple functions and can be used for pwm, (serial) rx/tx, and (I2C) sda/scl. That is why they have 2 labels.

Is the propellor RX / TX serial ? If yes what voltage level ? (I am sorry, I dont talk ‘Propellor’). However a compatible serial device can be connected using the RX, TX and GND available on the FEZ Connect.

Thanks for all the help so far. I have the three LED eblocks setup and flashing, hopefully what I have asked, and presented will help the next newbie.

I am thinking about a small project using the LEDs, clock timer, and the push button, which I will start a new thread with more questions.

If anybody wants to see the code, just ask and I will post it.

I just tested the LightSensor, and that works. Now, is tere an easy way of testing the FEZ Touch?

Please use the code from this page to test


The driver and an example program lives here.

Yes, I tried that one, I get a squiggly red line under “FEZ_Pin…”. I tried adjusting the “Add Reference”, but could not find anything to make the red squiggly lines go away. What exactly do I need for that project?

It should be very simple

Download the ZIP file from here (the same code page)

[ol]Extract the ZIP file
Open the sln file using Visual Studio
On the Solution explorer expand References
Delete the reference to GHIElectronics.NETMF.Hardware
Add the above reference again from the C:\Program Files (x86)\GHI Electronics\GHI NETMF v4.1 SDK\Assemblies folder
Connect The Touch to the Panda
Attach USB


OK, that did the trick, Thanks. I got a picture, is it a monkey? I put my finger on the screen and moved it around, which showed some lines, so I guess it works.

Yes that is a monkey (FEZ logo) and the application is a simple painting application. You can select the color and draw. Try using a stylus and remove the protective wrapper from the top for a better experience.

I just got through testing the piezo e-block, which works. I got some noise out of the thing. So, I am on a roll, so far only the tempsensor is not working.

For the FEZ touch, is there an example program that shows how to use it like a simple screen? Maybe something like, printLCD(“Hello, C# World!”). What I wanted to do was have a program get the temp using the tempsensor, and display it on the FEZ touch. Now, I will have to think of something else.