FEZ Panda II Firmware update failed

Hi Guys,

I’m using a FEZ Panda II and today I tried to flash it. I used the USBizi\Firmware\USBizi_CLR.GHI file from the 4.1 SDK (june 2011). Now it said the flash was successful and right after it Bad firmware. So yes it’s flashed with some wrong firmware I guess, but the problem is that the bool loader only returns BL to what ever command I sent. If I sent ‘V’ (version) it replies by BL, no version. Actually every command returns in BL, even ‘X’. So I guess I bricked it… :frowning:

Now my magical question: how can I restore it and have it running firmware 4.1?

Thanks in advance,


ps. Windows does not recognize the device anymore, unable to use MFDeploy with USB.

Try using the USBizi updater program: [url]http://www.tinyclr.com/forum/12/3529/[/url]

Make sure you hold the LDR button down when plugging the board in to put it in boot loader mode and then run the updater program.

Ohw mighty Jeff, thank you, it worked perfectly!