Fez Panda II and FEZ connect shield replacement


A friend wrote the soft for the FEZ Panda II wit the connection shield. The panda is connected to 5 K8000 circuit boards from velleman. It use the I²C bus to read en set in/output on the K8000. The whole setup is used to controlle the lights in my home.
Now the connect shield is of the market so for the future is serach for a replacement.
Is there a controller i can use without the need no rewrite the software?

Please help

Many thanks


Check Mountaineer Ethernet board or Cerbuino. Some modifications will be needed in both cases.

Connect shield is simply a WIZ5100 based board. You can still buy them, if you look for a WIZ812 module you can put that together to do the same thing. That way you could have no software change.

It also has a supercap for the RTC, and some convenient connectors for eblocks and servos, but yes, it can be replaced with a simple WIZNet breakout, something like this: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9473

A simple Arduino ethernet shield could work, maybe, and they’re available for much less, I think.

Speaking of shields. I saw Seeed’s shiled in Radio Shack.

My local RS also now carries a bunch of Seeed stuff and Arduino stuff. I nearly bought something I didn’t need or want, simply to show support.

When are we going to see GHI products in RS!? :wink:

They’re selling netduino’s also. I checked my store last week and they don’t have them in the store, though.