FEZ "next", 2 free boards!

I was just kidding :wink:

FEZ Viper
FEZ Domino II
FEZ Microteer

@ mhectorgato Thereā€™s already 2 winners GHI just hasnā€™t announced them yet.


Someone should announce winners to avoid confusion. :whistle:

Yeah ā€¦ I just wanted to register my guesses for prosperity (whether right or wrong :smiley: )

[quote]Someone should announce winners to avoid confusion.

Starts with a Gā€¦ :smiley:

Gus? :wink:

My best guess was Python, but that came up earlier. I think Bubo would be awesome, but itā€™s unlikely.

Tick tock tick tock. :whistle:

I didnā€™t know what the heck a Bubo was so I looked it up on Wikipedia. Iā€™d say itā€™s an extremely unlikely choice for the name :slight_smile:

Here is a hint! So do we know who is the first winner?

Cerberus ?



It is FEZ Cerberus :slight_smile:

Cool. Never knew that word before. Learnt something today :smiley:

Now add a link to the FEZ Cerberus :wink:

Congrats to Steven!

Ditto on the linkā€¦ So, what about the processor?

Fluffy from one of the earlier Harry Potter moviesā€¦

Bubo is the name of the mechanical owl in the movie ā€œThe Clash of the Titansā€


Ahā€¦ I remember.