FEZ Mini SPI question

Hey, Im using the FEZ mini and I am connecting to the AD5206 digital potentiometer over SPI. I had created a class that wraps the AD5206 and used this constructor to set it up:

        public AD5206()
            config = new SPI.Configuration((Cpu.Pin)Pins.GPIO_PIN_13, false, 0, 0, false, true, 1000, SPI.SPI_module.SPI1);
            SPI1 = new SPI(config);

        public void SendAddressValue(int potAddress, int potValue)
            tx_data[0] = (byte)potAddress;//digipot address (0 through 5)
            tx_data[1] = (byte)potValue;//value to put pot (0 through 255)


previously i had used GPIO_PIN_19 as the CS pin on the SPI but i had to move it to pin 19 so that i could put some other PWM stuff on the board but pin 13 doesnt seem to work for some reason and i am trying to wrap my head around why. I hooked a Saleae Logic to it to see why and can see that the pin 13 never seems to fire even though I can see the data on the SPCK and MOSI pins. Why would it not fire? Can Pin 13 not be used like that? Thanks

Step away from the SPI problem. Create a new app, that toggles the pin in question. Does that work?

What is the pin mapping between GPIO_13 and the Fez Di(x) pins?

http://www.ghielectronics.com/downloads/FEZ/Mini/Broch_FEZ_Mini.pdf has the default mappings; perhaps you aren’t looking at the correct physical pin?

ha, just realized i am posting to the wrong forum, i have a netduino mini in the project not the FEZ Mini, sorry

u could mark my answer as a question and move on quietly then :wink:


That is not quietly! :wink: