FEZ Mini Robot battery power problem

I’ve bought the FEZ Mini Robot Kit some time ago before it was removed from the list of available kits, but I only gave it to my son last weekend.

I seems like I have a problem with the battery power pack. If I connect the kit directly on USB it works fine even the motor works if I turn on the switch. But if I disconnect the USB cable and turn on the switch it doesn’t work at all. All I see is a faint blink of the power led every time I turn on of off the power switch.

Does anyone knows what should I check to fix this problem?

Check that mini is plugged in properly. Then check the boards under it. Maybe visual inspection will show something.

I am assuming you are using a new set of batteries.

Everything looks fine to me.

Like I said when I switch it on an off I see the power light blinking once but really low intensity. The power from the battery seem ok because I can get the motors running only when the switch is on.

Is it possible that the problem can be caused by bad connection to one of the capacitor on the power circuit board?

Can you give me some check I can perform to see if the power is going through?

Not sure but you can contact GHI directly for a replacement.

I would always go back to trying a fresh set of batteries too. Could be a simple thing that gives you an easy win.