I followed the tutorial about servo’s and pwm (fist connected the servo to 5v power on the fez)
result some movment but random and not much
Then in External high power 5v (only the servo) again nothing
I used almost all the libraries in wiki and in code and i don’t know what else to do. I don’t have any spec’s of servo and i have the fez connected to a non-external-powered usb hub.
Plug it back into the 5v from the Fez and show that it still works as you saw before. That way we know whether there is anything that may be fundamentally wrong.
Once you get to the point where it kind of works but not really as you’d expect, then bring back the external power. As mentioned, the GNDs need to be shared between the Fez and the servo, so make sure they’re connected (before you turn power on) and then see if that improves the situation.
Also, it’d help if this doesn’t “just work”, to take a photo of how everything is connected to both the Fez and the power supply, and how Fez is powered.
Good luck, welcome to the forums and the world of Fez