FEZ Hydra & WiFi RS21

Please do not curse much, I’m new to using the FEZ …
First, I installed all of the standard version of the assembly for MF 4.1
Launched the hydra, flashing lights tested …

Module is plugged WiFi-RS21 and was the first problem:

Assuming that I did something wrong, I deleted the NETMF 4.1 and install NETMF 4.2 (http://www.tinyclr.com/forum/topic?id=7982)
Then I updated the bootloader and firmware up to 4.2.2 version

The problem with the connection of the WiFi-RS21 module remained
Regardless of the socket 3 or 4 - a problem when connecting to the usb is important.

In addition, there was a second problem in the design studio - the WiFi-RS21 module can not be put in the work area, it show error dialog.

(Using beta 4.2 GHI NETMF)

I tried to manually add a reference to the assembly, I found it in the GAC and tried to manually set, in the end i have third problem - in this class do not have the claimed properties and methods.

Explain, maybe I’m doing something wrong?

Hi Volhv,

I believe that the WiFi-RS21 Gadgeteer module requires use of the FEZ Spider mainboard.


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About this feature is not written in the product catalog, I’ve opted for a set - look at the compatibility of the socket.
I have a WIFI-RS21 module with external antenna (v1.2)

I would like to hear an official explanation of the problem.

@ Volhv - Hiya, it does actually state on the page:

Supported Through GHI Premium Libraries. Open source products and libraries do not support this module.

So will only work currently on Spider

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It’s because RedPine requires an NDA to work with the module, and Hydra is open source. RedPine won’t allow GHI to open source the code for working with the module.