FEZ HAT drivers on NuGet

Hi all!

What about putting FEZ HAT Drivers on NuGet? I think in this way it would be easier to add the library to our projects. Moreover, in my case, I’m the author of IoTHelpers, an open-source library that allows to easily interact with GPIOs in Windows 10 IoT Core: GitHub - DotNetToscana/IoTHelpers: A library that allows to easily interact with Windows 10 IoT Core features like GPIO, I2C and SPI devices. I would like to leverage FEZ HAT in my library to add support and examples of various modules, so the possibility to download FEZ HAT Drivers from NuGet would be great.

What do you think?

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This was discussed before. It is possible in the future. We are a bit too busy currently.

We look forward to seeing your extensions working with the hat :slight_smile:

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