FEZ Hat and FEZ Utility on Linux with Node-Red

Has anyone been working on full Linux drivers for the FEZ Hat and FEZ Utility? I was playing with Node-Red on the Raspberry PI and thought it would be cool to be able to used these. Unfortunately, I haven’t had time to sit down and figure things out. I did peek at the C# source code, but I was hoping someone had made some progress that they are willing to share.

I’d also love to see these running on Node-Red on Windows 10 IoT Core! That would be very cool!



I’m still looking into using the FEZ Hat and FEZ Utility with node-red on Linux or Windows. Ultimately, I’d like to do something like this: [url]https://www.hackster.io/9381/grove-pi-windows-iot-getting-started-94bf38[/url]. Maybe I’ll have time to work on it during a vacation, but if anyone has anything, please share!
