If I wanted to power a motor driver from the Feather, how would I go about it?
If the motor driver requires 3.3V, you might not be able to drive it directly from the board. The Feather specifications state that if you need more than 10mA externally, you’ll need an external 3.3V regulator. If you’re not using WiFi, you can safely go up to around 300mA.
The VBUS pin provides 5V from the USB connection. I’ve been driving a small dual motor driver board from this pin on a Raspberry Pi Pico (watch winder) for over a year without any issues. The motors are never run at the same time.
Yeah I need 1.5Amps. Any way around that? So I’d have to use an external battery charger then.
If you need 3.3V then I don’t think it is possible to drive from the board power supply.
If 5V then a Raspberry Pi power supply with USB-C should have plenty of capacity. Of course, you will have to move to serial debugging and loading.
I guess the Flea might be the best solution for this Screwdriver project after all.
Another question: What is the max voltage of the VIN pad on the back of the board? What is the most the regulator can take?
The maximum input voltage is 6V.
I just realized that I didn’t specify which board’s VIN I am talking about. What is the max voltage of the VIN pad on the back of the Flea? (I figure it’s 6V but just in case someone else comes along looking for this knowledge)
I based my 6V response upon the contents of the data sheet for the regulator. You could verify this by using a ohm meter to check the continuity between the VIN pad and the input pin to the regulator.
I think the input cap is 6.2v Max iirc