FEZ ethernet connection C# W5500

I planed using a arduino Ethernet sheild 2 with the FEZ to acsess a LAN to read out values from a shared file. I can’t find anny libraies for this purpose in C#, just arduino and some in C++. Would you recomend to us a DLL or is it an easier way.

The data sheet for the W5500 states: . If you use W5500, you can
implement the Ethernet application just by adding the simple socket program.

But I have not found anny reference to this simple socket program.

Do you have the driver for that device? :slight_smile:

For the Arduino card, this is what is refered to,

On the W5500 chip, this is the driver, but it is in C++. Would u recomend to import the libary as a DLL?

I forgot to state that the plane is to use TCP IP over SPI. I tried “using TinyCLR.Networking” but the library where not found, even when imported as a Nu get pacakge. tinyCLR.Net where suggested from VS.

Your help is appriciated!

I hope one day this will be updated to use tinyclr and use the networking wrappers we have now available.