FEZ Cobra web page links

The ‘Brochure, ‘Design Files, ‘Display Connector and ‘Schematic links at ‘http://www.tinyclr.com/hardware/12/fez-cobra/ are not working in my browser. Any ideas?

Hi Nicolas,

for me all links are working on the FEZ Cobra site.

Could you try the direct link?


Do you use a personal firewall? Maybe the firewall blocks this site

Which browser do you use?

I believe there are issues with older IE browsers.

I am using IE 7.

Thanks for the Brochure link. I was hoping to take a look at the ‘Design Files, ‘Display Connector and ‘Schematic.

The website is tested to work on every common and recent browser. Anyway you can a newer browser?




[url]http://www.tinyclr.com/downloads/Expansion/FEZ-TFT%20Exp.zip[/url] TFT display expansion unit design files

[url]http://www.tinyclr.com/downloads/Cobra/FEZ-TFT%20EXP_sch.pdf[/url] disp unit schematic

[url]http://www.tinyclr.com/downloads/Cobra/Broch_FEZ_TFTDisplayExpansion.pdf[/url] tft display brochure

Or just this :slight_smile: [url]http://www.tinyclr.com/downloads/[/url]

In an earlier comment it was mentioned that the web site has been tested on all recent browsers. Please take a look at the attached screenshot. The page is clearly not rendering properly. I am using IE 7. I am excited about the FEZ platform but have to wrestle with the web site.


Windows Internet Explorer 7 (abbreviated IE7) is a web browser released by Microsoft in October 2006.

I would guess they tested it in IE8 which was released almost a 1.5 years ago and is much more standards based then previous versions. Even though IE7 was a step in the right direction of following every one else on the planet it still had some major flaws in its rendering system and would likely need specific code to render correctly.


Can you update your browser? At least IE8

Browsers are free so why not use the greatest and latest? If your company doesn’t allow that then you should talk to your IT management about this…4 years in computer world is like a million years anywhere else! We are all computer guys here so we know what I am talking about :wink:

This website works perfectly, even on my little iphone!! You have the choice to use any browser you like, just use one that is update in 2010

I guess Im no slave to fashion. Time flies, I did not realize that IE8 had been out for over a year already.

I installed IE8 and it the site looks good.


@ Brett - Hi :smiley: The links you posted are not working anymore. Do you know where else I can DL the schem of the TFT Display? :slight_smile:

This thread is 2 yeas old :slight_smile: You should try newer products for more updated documentation.

The “no longer listed” content is all available via http://www.ghielectronics.com/downloads/ now. And like Gus says, a 2 year old thread?!

Is the image below what you’re looking for?

From : http://www.ghielectronics.com/downloads/FEZ/Cobra/FEZ%20Cobra_sch.pdf

Located in the Cobra Download tab: http://www.ghielectronics.com/catalog/product/131#downloads