FEZ Cobra II (Eco) -> FEZ Cobra II (WiFi)

In order to convert the Eco to WiFi is it as simple as welding (I’m better at welding than soldering) a Redpine Signals WiFi module on the Eco or are there other tiny little components missing, you know, the ones that look like grains of sand? :smiley:

I was looking at this Redpine module


Yep, RS9110-N-11-22-05 (whithout antenna) or RS9110-N-11-22-04 (with integrated antenna)

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Many thanks @ David@ Emrol .

I think you also need the populate the resistors and capacitor(s) that are near the wifi footprint. You could watch the cobra wifi schematic for the values.

I have been trying to do the same with my eco. I haven’t found out how i am going to solder the bottom ground pad on the WiFi module.

One way would be to build a carrier board and then connect the carrier to the eco using wires.

What approach are you taking?

I had missed that connection. At the moment I’m just testing the theory but I was planning on mounting it direct to the Eco.