Faking Touch + Glide

Pretty new around here but have been doing lots of reading and getting used to everything and the NETMF stuff. I have a Cobra Eco and videoOut board that I have modded a little for RGB+Composite and added DW CAN and SWCAN (I have built a designed board but I want to test everything first on the dev stuff). Everything is going great thanks to some fantastic info on here. Anyway…

Basically I have a touch screen radio that I can get touch position data from in 2 bytes (X, Y) over CAN bus and I want to emulate a touch into Glide. Ive been chasing my tail and I’m sure there is an easy way (i hope!) but its beyond me. Is there someway to call the touchevent as pass the position to it or am i barking up the wrong tree?


@ jezzab - Take a look at GHI.Glide.GlideTouch.RaiseTouchMoveEvent(object, TouchEventArgs).

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Thanks guys. I ended up using:

GHI.Glide.Geom.Point touches;
touches.X = X;
touches.Y = Y;
GlideTouch.RaiseTouchDownEvent(null, new TouchEventArgs(touches));

Works brilliantly. Thanks for your help