@ Mike - Yes I did. The G120 that is behaving this way is remote and the app has been deployed with MFDeploy. Your question prompted a thought however…
I am using 4.3 QFE2 and GHI NETMF SDK 2015 R1. If I created the application deployment from a G120 with TinyBooter and deployed it to one with should I expect problems? The one that has the “Failed Header CRC” issue might have the TinyBooter. I only just realized that all the chips I have here are the later, but the one in the field could be older.
In my experience, yes, you should expect problems. Any changes in the memory map can cause .hex deployment to fail completely or partially. The location of the ‘config’ block may be different between those two versions.
Don’t know if it is written anywhere, but my own rule is to do .hex deployments only to firmware-identical systems.