Hey guys, I’ve packaged up a collection of NETMF extensions into an install. Same as my CodeShare but a few more items added and installed for easier access in projects.
Skewworks.NETMF.TypeClasses.DLL contains
Image32 - Support for alpha blending icons (P2I converter included)
Images - ImageFromBytes, Color convert & Shadow Regions
IO - Byte conversion, flush fs, reboot
PNGDecoder - Does what it says
Strings - AbsolutePath, FormatDiskSize, InQuotes, MonthToShortString, MonthToString, NormalizeDirectory, PadZeroLeft, RelativePath, Replace, ReplaceEmptyOrNull, SplitComponents, Tokenzie, WeekdayToShortString
StringSorter - Does what it says
And classes for Point, Rect and Size
Skewworks.NETMF.HAL.DLL contains
HAL interfaces