Etch, Sketch and Angry Oranges at University of Ulm

Researchers and educators love .NET Gadgeteer. And what not to love when you give students the tools to innovate and be creative, with a minimal learning curve.

Thse seem to be some complex things to do but .NET Gadgeteer makes these much easier to accomplish:

  1. An angry orange that tells if you are lie, a lie detector!
  2. An RFID-based coffee dispenser that get you your coffee and logs statistics on drinkers and their habits.
  3. Modern “etch a sketch”

Learn more about these cool projects
.NET Gadgeteer:

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Very cool!

Wow, there are some other great projects on that site that I don’t think I’ve seen before.

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That’s a cool site to keep an eye on.

Just wait, I’ve got something where the pieces are starting to fall into place nicely to help spread the Gadgeteer Gospel here.

see also

What a great site, I just love it when a little gem like this pops up.