Error when programming Hydra+

I was trying to setup a serial port in C#. However after I deployed the code the FEZ Hydra+, would no longer accept any code. The old program is still on it, and runs. However I get a Warning: socket 13 is not compliant with Gadgeteer : SupportedTypes list is null/empty. Is there some file that needs to be sent to the Hydra?

ip address from interface info:
.NetMF v4.3.1.0
aGenie_By_T, Build Date:
Apr 19 2016 14:01:41
ARM Compiler version 410894

TinyCLR (Build


Created EE.
Started Hardware.
MSdbgV1 ĂșQ\Ă•Ă€ĂĂŒ   , Create TS.
Loading start at 20247d74, end 2027d0a8
Assembly: mscorlib ( Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Native ( Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Security.PKCS11 ( Assembly: System.Security ( Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Graphics ( Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware ( Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.TinyCore ( Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.IO ( Assembly: System.IO ( Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.Usb ( Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.SerialPort ( Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Touch ( Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Ink ( Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.PWM ( Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.OneWire ( Assembly: System.Xml ( Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Time ( Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Net ( Assembly: System ( Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Net.Security ( Assembly: System.Net.Security ( Loading Deployment Assemblies.
Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GHI.OSHW.Hardware ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Gadgeteer ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: NWebREST ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GTM.GHIElectronics.CharacterDisplay ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: System.Text.RegularExpressions ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: NetDuinoUtils ( Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: NetduinoPlusApplication1 ( Resolving.
GC: 1msec 400848 bytes used, 5890284 bytes available
Type 0F (STRING ): 24 bytes
Type 15 (FREEBLOCK ): 5890284 bytes
Type 17 (ASSEMBLY ): 34152 bytes
Type 1E (BINARY_BLOB_HEAD ): 366600 bytes
Type 34 (APPDOMAIN_HEAD ): 72 bytes
GC: performing heap compaction

Warning: socket 13 is not compliant with Gadgeteer : SupportedTypes list is null/empty


ip address from interface info:
.NetMF v4.3.1.0
aGenie_By_T, Build Date:
Apr 19 2016 14:01:41
ARM Compiler version 410894

I see traces of Netduino and Gadgeteer code in a TinyCLR program. Netduino source code might be ok. Gadgeteer never

Actually that’s exactly the pattern I’d expect if you were using a Gadgeteer application, which is fine contrary to what Mike says. I think you have mixed versions. Please confirm what version of the SDK you have installed and what version of firmware is on your device. It seems to me that you might have a 3rd party compiled Hydra firmware so you might need to install the last GHI firmware

It was working, until I wrote some code to open a serial port for communications. It seems that there is a list of support types. I thought maybe this was a file I accidentally deleted somehow.

@ yllawwally - What is attached to socket 13? How is the serial port defined? Was the Gadgeteer project created for a Hydra+?

Your program is loading. Gadgeteer is finding something wrong with socket 13.

The version of the program running is an old version. Socket 13, has a 18x2 character display plugged into it. The new program didn’t change anything for 13, I was trying to use port 6. Is there some kind of definition file that gets stored on the Hydra+, that I could have messed up. I even loaded an older known good version of the project, before the changes, and it made no difference.

@ yllawwally - First, you might want to reinstall the firmware on the Hydra+. If this does not work, you might want to remove the GHI SDKS, and then reinstall them.

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