Endpoint on Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W (Wireless): Success

Useful References:

Follow Raspberry Pi setup instructions found at: Other Platforms

The vsdbg directory is created under .epnet but it is empty. NET 8 (8.0.303) installs ok.

  • There is an updated linux-arm64 SDK (8.0.308) but I am not sure if this is compatible with Endpoint “dotnet sdk check”).
  • Deploying the .NET SDK using Deploy .NET apps to ARM single-board computers - .NET | Microsoft Learn is not “seen” by Endpoint and the application will not deploy from Visual Studio 2022. dotnet --version with Raspberry Pi does return the SDK. This deployment does install in a different location to the Endpoint Config app. The Endpoint scripts may have hard coded paths.*

If Endpoint Config “hangs” during the download of vsdbg then close the application and re-open it and repeat the Install .NET. I have no information to share on why this is occurring.

To fix the vsdbg install run the following on the Raspberry Pi:
curl -sSL https://aka.ms/getvsdbgsh | /bin/sh /dev/stdin -v latest -l ~/.epnet/vsdbg

From here everything works as per usual Endpoint Raspberry Pi as documented.

Happy coding :slight_smile: .

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I started out using .Net 8 on the RPi, loading the .Net SDK via Endpoint Config. Since I did not need any of the GHI enhancements, I did not use the GHI Core, just referencing .Net and IOT libraries.

When .Net 9 was available, I used the Microsoft method for loading the SDK, and I am able to run .Net 9 on the RPi using the Endpoint Debugger extension. .Net 8 is still a build option.

Not sure why, but running the Endpoint Debugger without the GHI libraries seems like cheating?

You are a cheater :joy:

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If you’re installing .net manually then why aren’t you using the visual studio remote debugger? Why are you using EndPoint? Humm that is cheating.