Endpoint display 800x480 configuration

To someone who concerned:

var configuration = new FBDisplay.Configuration()
    Clock = 24750,
    Width = 800,
    Hsync_start = 800 + 54,
    Hsync_end = 800 + 54 + 2,
    Htotal = 800 + 54 + 2 + 44,
    Height = 480,
    Vsync_start = 480 + 49,
    Vsync_end = 480 + 49 + 2,
    Vtotal = 480 + 49 + 2 + 22,
    Bus_flags = 68,



Thanks in advance. Just ordered the recommended 7" 800x400 from buydisplay.

Make source I2C touch pins are included from pin 37 to 40

Success. In addition to having the secret values that @Dat_Tran posted at the top of this thread, it helps to make sure that the ribbon connector is well seated and making proper contact and that the plastic retainer lever on the zif connector is fully closed across the full width. At least it did in my case. :man_shrugging:

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No, it is not secret anymore. The EP tool shows them in 800x480 drop list :))

Ok, I got my display working, but can someone explain these values we put in config, and where do they come from??

From the display datasheet