Endpoint and Raspberry Pi 4

I have installed the SDK on the Pi 4 running the 64 bit OS with Desktop display.

I installed the Endpoint Debugger, which was the only option after doing a search in Manage Extensions.

When I go to create a new project for the Pi in VS2022, I don’t see any GHI or Endpoint project templates?

What am I missing?

When I installed Endpoint on a Pi 5, via Endpoint config, everything was installed. I did nothing else.

I updated the GHI Endpoint extension(debugger) for VS via the extension manager.

I built a project using the standard Console App template. There is not a special template for Endpoint.

In the project options, there is a section, after installing the Endpoint extension, for specifying the account, password and IP address of the Linux target(the Pi).

Is there any way to build a GUI for the PI using this? A console app is limited for my use of the Pi 4 and I was hoping this was a way to build a .NET app to run on the Pi.

This is what is says on the GHI site:

The extension is what gets loaded on Visual Studio/VS Code to allow it to communicate with an Endpoint device. It also includes project templates.

I think someone did a quick cut and paste from the TinyClr extension.

For GUIs on the Pi I use the Xojo development system.

Might be worth trying WinForms? I have used WinForms on the Pi with Mono. No WPF with Mono.

There is Maui from Microsoft. I have no experience with it, and I could be spelling it wrong.


(.NET MAUI on Linux with Visual Studio Code)

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Thanks Mike.

I’ve been trying to get to grips with Maui for an Android app. The GUI interface is rather basic looking, at least from my initial trials with it. I might dig into it again.

Thanks for the heads up Xojo. It’s hard to keep up with what is available these days. It was easy when it was all C/C++ :stuck_out_tongue:

For the PI the Desktop and Console licenses are free.

I have been using it Mac, Windows and Pi for several years.

Only downside is you have to admit to using the Basic language…

One thing I didn’t see mentioned above was Avalonia. For touch-based human interfaces on a Pi, BBB, or Domino, that would be my go-to. I get a bit better development velocity with that without having to bend to all the least-common-denominator issues and app-structure that Maui forces on me.

Maui apps do look basic out of the box because they only use native controls so that they look and feel like native apps, though you can still fiddle with enough of the thematic controls and background images and such to make apps that are equivalent to anything else you might find in the app stores. That said, I only bother with Maui if I am targeting two or more platforms that Maui supports. Otherwise, it just doesn’t seem to pay off enough. I’ve used it on a couple different apps that had to work across desktop plus multiple mobile targets, but otherwise I find it bothersome to deal with.


Theoretically, Avalona should also provide the framework for GUI’s (I should quit stalling and test this on my Army of Pi Zero 2 Ws).