Endpoint 0.1.4

In the latest release of Endpoint. We added UI, DAC and SignalFeedback.

See [Downloads ](Downloads (ghielectronics.com) and [Release Notes ]( Release Notes (ghielectronics.com)) for full details.


A suggestion for future release: instead of naming just rootfs.ghi the firmware, it could be useful to include version in name (ie rootfs-0.14.ghi).


With playing with UI, it seems that Click event raises two times: one click event when TouchDown event, and another with TouchUp event.

I think so, that why we have this when implement ClickEvent:

endpoint-samples/dotnet/CarWashUI at master · ghi-electronics/endpoint-samples (github.com)

if (e.RoutedEvent.Name.CompareTo("TouchUpEvent") == 0)
//// only do when TouchUp
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Been on the road but will upgrade to 0.1.4 soon.

Thanks for including the UI, personally I find Avalonia a little resource intensive on the Endpoint.

Does UI have a soft / virtual keyboard ? The documentation leads me to believe that I need to use the Avalonia keyboard.

UI does support virtual keyboard, of course.

The documentation leads me to believe that I need to use the Avalonia keyboard.

After 0.1.4 released, UI is on the top.

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