Embedded conference on .Net Micro Framework in Naples

with my italian community (DotNetCampania) I have organized a conference on Microsoft embedded products in Naples on 26 January. Part of the day is dedicated to .Net Micro Framework with a demo on .Net Gadgeteer based on FEZ Spider (with Mirco Vanini, MVP Microsoft).

I hope that italian members of TinyCLR community forum will be in Naples !!

The web site is : http://www.microsoft…dconference.it/.



@ paolopat - Good job - pity no italiano… :slight_smile:

@ paolopat -

Che peccato, sono a Parigi, nonostante le mie origini napoletane !

Eppure sarebbe un piacere!

@ paolopat -

You’re website link if broken I guess !

You are right !!

This is the correct link :


Thank you very much !

La giornata sarà pubblicato dopo l’evento?

I think that we will publish only slides and demoes…not video.
