As per the title, is there a ready made footprint available for the EMX module?
I’m also wondering what exactly I would call the method used to solder the EMX module on to the Cobra? It seems to be some sort of weird pin thing but im not certain what it is called.
I don’t understand, I don’t see a library/footprint file for the EMX part and I can’t seem to be able to select ether in the Eagle file. I imagine I’m doing something wrong as I am not familiar with Eagle.
Say I had a bricked Cobra Board and wanted to replace the EMX module. I could unsolder the EMX module (taking care of course not to damage anything), and then with a new EMX module I would just lay it on top of the old footprint and dab some solder to hold it etc… (same as any other surface mount part) or are there any sort of pins that I would have to deal with?
I don’t actually need to do this, but I’m looking into making a board for the EMX that brings out the UARTs to LIN transceivers and the same for the CAN ports. Basically a huge LIN/CAN Bridge Module, most of the stuff on the Cobra (beyond the obvious).
Right now I simply have a “Shield” design for the Cobra, but there is a lot of stuff I simply don’t need taking up a ton of space.
[quote]I don’t actually need to do this, but I’m looking into making a board for the EMX that brings out the UARTs to LIN transceivers and the same for the CAN ports. Basically a huge LIN/CAN Bridge Module, most of the stuff on the Cobra (beyond the obvious).
You have every single component on the FEZ cobra shipping in the cobra design files, including EMX! Take that design, remove what you do not need and add your CAN and LIN transceivers. You should be able to do all that in one day
I suggest you start by adding a board (with your CAN/LIN) to plug into the FEZ Cobra, just like the prototyping board. Then you can use the enclosure and the existing design…then you can make your own board as a second stage of your design.