Hi guys,
I found an old FEZ Panda (I) back between all kinds of other stuff.
Like to start playing a little with it.
The documentation on GHI website no longer seems to be available.
Is there some place I can download it?
Hi guys,
I found an old FEZ Panda (I) back between all kinds of other stuff.
Like to start playing a little with it.
The documentation on GHI website no longer seems to be available.
Is there some place I can download it?
Sure is !
http://www.ghielectronics.com/downloads/FEZ/Panda/ is your friend
You’ll also want the 4.1 GHI reference http://www.ghielectronics.com/downloads/NETMF/Library%20Documentation%20v4.1/Index.html and netmf reference API Reference for .NET Micro Framework | Microsoft Learn
Enjoy !
Thanks Brett!