Docs with dark theme

Go to docs and clock the slider on the right. It does not work in mobile yet!

Enjoy :nerd_face:


The forum is also set to default dark but you can change to light if you want. Just go to Preferences -> Interface under your account

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How to get the most liked topic on the forum 101 with @Gus_Issa

Love this feature!

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We also accept beer and chocolates


@Gus_Issa, My eyes appreciate you.

But one bit of feedback is that the titles and buttons are the same/similar color to the bar - you should change them to a different color in dark theme.


is that still the case - as in has GHI changed that? On my PC, with my specific settings, I can see the text correctly in dark mode…

It may be my monitor, but it still seems to be really dark and barely legible. The color needs to be really close to white over such a dark banner.

agreed, it needs to be as bright as possible. I just wondered if they’d done something or if it was contrast related

That part is a different plug in. It may not be as easy as we like.

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