Do we need a FEZ related version of this?

Does this mean we can borrow the Monkey?

@ ransomhall, vote noted, OK everyone else, what do you want? I fired off an email to Fez-o-rama and we will see what happens.

Yes you may use the monkey but after clear understanding/explanation of use and an official email approval from a GHI Electronics. Shot us an email when you are ready.

Given its your monkey, what I suggested to Fez-o-rama was that GHI would send them the monkey image and have final say on the graphic design etc.

we can do that but lets first see the interest, the cost and who is interested first.

Check this out

While the idea is great, I do not see many spending $200 to get one of these :slight_smile:

Agreed, once I hear back from them on costs etc, I’ll post that.

I’m interested of course in a couple.


[quote]If you have a club, secret society, or organization that would like unique fezzes, you may have the chance to commission the worker primates here at Fez-o-rama. The minimum order is 13 total fezzes to avoid an art charge - and yes, you can vary the sizes. (you can’t have a good secret society with less than 13) The cost will depend on the design but you can get an idea from our current styles, and in the past, commissioned fez prices have ranged from $65 to $235+ USD per fez, depending on the complexity of the fez and the design requirements. Art charges range from $150 to $700, again scaled to the complexity of the project.

While you’re thinking about what you would like on your fez, please keep in mind a few things: (these answers would be handy to send us in the email by the way…)

  • The fez style, Low or High
  • The velvet color (take a look in the Labs and Current fezzes for examples)
  • Tassel color?
  • Venting option?

That is funny we both posted pretty much the same thing. We will see what the dinger comes out at, but we are talking about a Fez here, the coolness factor is pretty much off the chart.

Style: Low
Color: [edit] Red is not my first choice, but I’ll go with the “authentic” FEZ look
Tassel color: something that matches the main color in the logo embroidery
Venting: oh yeah! Lots of hotheads here :slight_smile: I think they do either two or four.

We could also work these into the point system somehow. Every king needs a crown, right? or maybe the occasional prize for an awesome project, etc…

Keep in mind that a real “fez” is always red :slight_smile:

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Yeah, $200 ain’t happening for a Fez. Even if it’s a very nice Fez. I’ve only spent more than $50 for a hat once in my life, and that was for something very special. :slight_smile:

Wait…does that mean that Spider, Hydra, and Cerberus aren’t “real” fezzes? :wink:

@ Duke Nukem - I am interested in general. Waiting for pricing info.

What if had a FEZ board IN it, that blinked LEDs and did other crazy stuff? Why do you think I requested we get these with vents? A perfect spot to mount a few 10mm ultrabright LEDs :slight_smile:

I am sure you will be a real women magnet when you wear your Fez! :slight_smile:



Yes, as cool as it is I can’t see spending more than $20 for something like this that would probably just sit on a shelf in my office except for the big FEZ conference I hope we someday have :slight_smile: I personally would be happy with a cheaper [lower quality] version than what FEZ-a-Rama is offering. How hard could it be to get some felt and cut it into a shape that could be sewed into a FEZ? I have a neighbor who has an embroidery machine and sews. I’ll talk to her this weekend and see if she would be interested in embroidering the logos. I could work out a pattern that could be cut & sewed from cheap felt that she could assemble for us. It wouldn’t be nearly as nice but it could probably be done from < $40. Or even better would be a FEZ contest where everyone makes their own? We’re all maker’s here, right? Maybe Gus would offer up a shiny new G120 as a prize? :slight_smile:

Obviously, I’m going for the ultimate in Weird-E (as opposed to Al) accessories. Attention from women (plural!) who dig strange geek style is a bonus. As an aside - I recently saw a top hat completely covered in addressable LEDs. It came with a little GUI to setup the patterns and messages. Very nice! Can’t seem to find the link now…

$200, for 10 pieces why not ! :-))

The guys at Fez-o-rama liked the email I sent them and had a cruise through some of the links I inclulded them and the project has met their ‘cool’ requirement as required (you don’t want to make cool fez’s for uncool people). So time to send them a image and some other stuff, like color and style so we can figure out costs. Gus I’ll forward you the email so you have Joe’s email at Fez-o-rama and can send him the image.

Style: Low
Color: Red
Tassel color: ?
Vented: of course (2 vents might be enough?)
‘Gadgeteer’ text I’m willing to let go, however the monkey on its own needs a hook so people can find out more about him and what makes him so worthy of being on a Fez.

If you buy one does that then mean you have to drive around in a tiny car?

What? No takers on my “create your own FEZ” idea? I bet we could come up with some really pimped out FEZes.

Gold or Black