DK LM3S9D96 .Net MF Port + Glide

On video below - Glide Application runing on DK-LM3S9D96 demo-board.


Very neat! Is there any information about the port?

Stellaris is an interesting platform, mostly because it has an integrated ethernet MAC and PHY - only need the jack with magnetics. 80 MHz, with similar memory sizes to USBizi.

I have been wrote this port. Based on StellarisWare library. Now have all drivers except EMAC (coming soon). Additionaly i have Attribute library and CDC.

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Compiling with PKStudio: Compile DK_LM3S9D96 .Net MF port with PKStudio - YouTube

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Deploing port:

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Now i have design (based on demo-board schematics) with 8MB SDRAM + 2MB SPI FLASH. All works fine :slight_smile:

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Well done!

Very good. Love seeing netmf running on new platforms.

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What compiler are you building with? Are you planning to sell this as a product?

I am igvas. Resurrected as igvas2 after i’ve lost my pass.
Now we are using MDK compiler. But port is ready to compile GCC compiler v 4.6.3 except of
size of resulting binaries (580k GCC vs 399k MDK).

We are thinking now about commercialization of this solution.

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That’s a huge difference. Btw: do you have a company website?

No company website (coming soon) :slight_smile:

@ igvas - Very interesting port!

@ ivgas: Any progress with your port? What about your commercialization plans? If you dropped this goal, maybe you could commit your port to the official netmf code base or release it as open source separately? :slight_smile:

Btw, I have also created a port for LM3S9D96, but never found the time to port the ethernet driver. The stellaris sample was somehow to interwoven with the lwip stuff. :confused:

@ queequac - Sounds interesting. Is your port open?

@ Architect: Unfortunately it is not. And it is just a prototypical port, thus it is lacking USB and Ethernet. (Or the other way round: Has display and touch driver only anyway)

Thanks anyway. :slight_smile: